Mission Training supports equal opportunities in our training courses and considers it to be an essential part of its training policy, and expects its staff to as well.

The company encourages all candidates to develop their skills and potential. No applicant will be treated less favourably than another on the grounds of: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation, covered by the Equality and Diversity Act 2010
Mission Training expects its staff to support this policy. Any candidate who is suffering, or is aware of any harassment or unfair discriminatory treatment, should raise this with the management team immediately. All complaints will be dealt with confidentiality and sensitivity.

Harassment or discrimination on the grounds shown above will not be tolerated. All candidates must be treated with respect and courtesy by their peers and tutors, at all times. Mission Training will observe the collective legislation and their associated code of practice.

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